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Schools' Partnership 

At London Minibasket we understand where we can make our biggest impact is in primary schools. Therefore our partnership with schools is essential for us.

Our target audience is years 5 & 6 across primary schools in Hackney, where will be the first borough where we will be delivering.

Our aim is to develop PE teachers/volunteers via our CPD day which will enable after school clubs to run and link into our mini-basketball tournaments (ran on a termly basis) as well as Holiday camp provision.


Read below our free offer and what we need in return from schools.

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Our FREE offer to schools

1) CPD day for P.E. staff/volunteers to develop their Basketball teaching knowledge. 


2) Basketball curriculum scheme of learning for Years 5 and 6. This will include lesson plans, resources and posters.


3) Catch up meeting once a term on the progress of the sport in the school.


4) Help to set up extra-curricular basketball club offer.


5) Access to a termly Minibasket Tournament.


6) Marketing material in both physical and digital form.

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What we ask  in return

1) School to provide Basketball extra-curricular club sessions for years 5/6.


2) Attend the Primary School Competition for Hackney. Four tournaments will be played throughout the academic year.


3) Promotion of extra-curricular clubs and holiday camps.

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